Case IH Puma 180 tractor de ruedas nuevo

≈ 792.500.000 PYG
Si decide comprar maquinaria a un precio inferior, póngase en contacto con el verdadero vendedor. Recopile toda la información que le sea posible sobre el propietario de la maquinaria. Una forma de engaño es presentarse como empresa. En caso de sospecha, infórmenos mediante el formulario de comentarios y sugerencias para que lo comprobemos.
Antes de confirmar una compra, revise detenidamente varias ofertas de venta para ver cuál es el precio medio del equipo elegido. Si el precio de la oferta que le interesa es mucho menor que el de ofertas similares, piénselo dos veces. Una diferencia de precio significativa puede conllevar a defectos ocultos o a un intento de fraude por parte del vendedor.
No compre productos cuyo precio diste mucho del precio medio de equipos similares.
No acepte compromisos dudosos o mercancías con prepago. Si no lo tiene claro, no dude en solicitar aclaraciones, pida fotos adicionales y documentos del equipo, compruebe la autenticidad de los mismos y pregunte todo lo necesario.
Esta es la forma más habitual de fraude. Ciertos vendedores pueden requerir una cantidad del pago por adelantado en concepto de «reserva» de su compra. Así, los estafadores perciben grandes cantidades de dinero y después desaparecen sin dejar huella.
- Transferencia de prepago a la tarjeta
- No realice un pago por adelantado sin documentación que confirme el proceso de transferencia de dinero, si durante la comunicación con el vendedor ha surgido alguna duda.
- Transferencia a una cuenta «fiduciaria»
- Dicha solicitud debe alarmarle, ya que en la mayoría de los casos se trata de fraudes.
- Transferencia a una cuenta de una empresa con un nombre similar
- Tenga cuidado, ya que los estafadores pueden ocultarse tras la identidad de empresas reconocidas, realizando modificaciones mínimas en su nombre. No transfiera dinero si tiene dudas sobre el nombre de la empresa.
- Sustitución de sus propios datos en la factura de una empresa real
- Antes de realizar una transferencia, asegúrese de que los datos especificados sean correctos y que aludan a la empresa en cuestión.
Contactos del vendedor

Factory Specifications:
Standard Engine (see Model description)
Standard without reversible fan
Standard engine and starting system
Standard Alternator
Fuel tank guard
Without Exhaust Brake
Without Transmission and Engine Block Heater
Grid Heater
Heavy-Duty Fuel Filter
"Weight Pack C - CIH = 3 piece 1000kg (500kg + 2X 250kg) weight with
integral carrier"
Without front weights
PowerDrive (Full Powershift) Standard Transmission 18X6/19X6 (based on model)
Standard without creeper
Heavy-Duty Class 4 Standard Front Axle
Standard Flange Rear Axle
Without Hubs for Dual
Standard Knob type Parking Brake
Without Tyre Brand Preference
600/65R28 R1W A8
710/70R38 A8 Manually Adjustable Variable Track (MAVT)
Without rear wheel weights
4 rear wheel weights 225 kg each, mounted on the outside of wheels. Total weight 1000 kg
Without rear wheel weights
Without Advanced Processor
Standard base steering
Without Hydraulic Trailer Brake Valve
Without air brake guards
Without brake logic valve
Standard Without Pneumatic Trailer Brakes
Standard base battery (1300 CCA)
Without Radar
Without baler bar
Performance monitor (provide additional tractor operating data e.g.: PTO speed and position, slip when radar equipped, acre counter, hydraulic settings and distance)
Without Autoguidance
Without Navigation Controller
A-Post AFS Pro 700 Mounting Bracket
Isobus breakaway socket ISO 11783 for rear implement connection with power supply isobus class 2 compatibility (for full isobus class 1, a TECU module is required)
Without Mid-Mount Valves
540/1000 RPM PTO with 6 and 21 Spline, Interchangeable Shafts
Additional 20 Spline (1 3/4 Inches) PTO Shaft
Without PTO external control
STD PTO with PTO cap
Standard PTO Guard
Without Front Linkage and PTO
Without engine side rails
Standard 3-Point Hitch
Electronic Draft Control with 2X110mm External Lift Rams, Max Lift 8700Kg @ 610mm through Whole Range
150 L/min High Flow and Positive Flow Control Pump Compatible with Mechanical Remotes
Standard Remotes Valve Option
Standard without Mid-Mount Valves
Standard operator seat with safety belt
Standard command armrest with EDC
LH instructional seat with seat belt
2350mm Wide Rear Fenders
Without rear fender extensions
Without external remote valve control
Without extremity light package
Fender Mounted PTO Controls
620mm Dynamic Front Fenders
Slider tow hook with auto swivel coupling, 38 mm pin and operating cable, without swinging drawbar (German style)
Swinging Drawbar for Slider Tow Hook
Without Linkage Drawbar
Standard rear hitches
Standard, without hitches / drawbar options
Standard Category Rear Linkage (based on Model) with Pin type Stabilizers, Fixed Ball Ends and Right-Hand side/Left-Hand side Turn Buckles
Sway Block Stabilisers
Without Trailer Brake Bracket, Italian type
Standard without hydraulic top link and RH lift rod
Standard front storage box
Without Rear CAB Storage Box
8 LED High Sp Work Lights (4 on Roof + 2 on Grab Rail + 2 on C Pillar)
Without Work Lights on Grab Rails
Configuration with Standard Road Lights
Standard configuration without Rotary Beacon
Left-Hand side Rotary Beacon
Deluxe Radio with Bluetooth and High-Performance Speakers
Without work lights
Self cancelling audible turning warning
CAB with High Visbility Panel, without AccuGuide and without Electrically Adjustable Mirrors
Standard CAB
Standard operator frame
Without AccuGuide Ready
Rear hitch mirror
Standard without autoguidance ready
Without AFS Pro 700 for Baler Bar
Standard climate control
Standard without rear HID Xenon work lights
Standard without high level roadlight
Without heated front and rear window screens
Without hood HID Xenon worklights
Standard Level Control Layout
Without cab suspension
Standard Configuration without CAB Suspension
2 Telescopic External Rear View Shatterproof Mirrors, Adjustable
Standard Configuration without Rear Sunshade
Russian Manual
Without Operators Manual
Without Operators Manual
Without Operators Manual
Without AFS Pro 700 Manual
Without AFS Pro 700 Manual
Without operators manual
Roof mounted licence plate holder
Without Selection for Country Configuration
Without Slow Moving Vehicle Sign
Base Brand Colour
Toolbox with Set of Tools
Standard without wheel chocks
Factory Specifications:
Standard Engine (see Model description)
Standard without reversible fan
Standard engine and starting system
Standard Alternator
Fuel tank guard
Without Exhaust Brake
Without Transmission and Engine Block Heater
Grid Heater
Heavy-Duty Fuel Filter
"Weight Pack C - CIH = 3 piece 1000kg (500kg + 2X 250kg) weight with
integral carrier"
Without front weights
PowerDrive (Full Powershift) Standard Transmission 18X6/19X6 (based on model)
Standard without creeper
Heavy-Duty Class 4 Standard Front Axle
Standard Flange Rear Axle
Without Hubs for Dual
Standard Knob type Parking Brake
Without Tyre Brand Preference
600/65R28 R1W A8
710/70R38 A8 Manually Adjustable Variable Track (MAVT)
Without rear wheel weights
4 rear wheel weights 225 kg each, mounted on the outside of wheels. Total weight 1000 kg
Without rear wheel weights
Without Advanced Processor
Standard base steering
Without Hydraulic Trailer Brake Valve
Without air brake guards
Without brake logic valve
Standard Without Pneumatic Trailer Brakes
Standard base battery (1300 CCA)
Without Radar
Without baler bar
Performance monitor (provide additional tractor operating data e.g.: PTO speed and position, slip when radar equipped, acre counter, hydraulic settings and distance)
Without Autoguidance
Without Navigation Controller
A-Post AFS Pro 700 Mounting Bracket
Isobus breakaway socket ISO 11783 for rear implement connection with power supply isobus class 2 compatibility (for full isobus class 1, a TECU module is required)
Without Mid-Mount Valves
540/1000 RPM PTO with 6 and 21 Spline, Interchangeable Shafts
Additional 20 Spline (1 3/4 Inches) PTO Shaft
Without PTO external control
STD PTO with PTO cap
Standard PTO Guard
Without Front Linkage and PTO
Without engine side rails
Standard 3-Point Hitch
Electronic Draft Control with 2X110mm External Lift Rams, Max Lift 8700Kg @ 610mm through Whole Range
150 L/min High Flow and Positive Flow Control Pump Compatible with Mechanical Remotes
Standard Remotes Valve Option
Standard without Mid-Mount Valves
Standard operator seat with safety belt
Standard command armrest with EDC
LH instructional seat with seat belt
2350mm Wide Rear Fenders
Without rear fender extensions
Without external remote valve control
Without extremity light package
Fender Mounted PTO Controls
620mm Dynamic Front Fenders
Slider tow hook with auto swivel coupling, 38 mm pin and operating cable, without swinging drawbar (German style)
Swinging Drawbar for Slider Tow Hook
Without Linkage Drawbar
Standard rear hitches
Standard, without hitches / drawbar options
Standard Category Rear Linkage (based on Model) with Pin type Stabilizers, Fixed Ball Ends and Right-Hand side/Left-Hand side Turn Buckles
Sway Block Stabilisers
Without Trailer Brake Bracket, Italian type
Standard without hydraulic top link and RH lift rod
Standard front storage box
Without Rear CAB Storage Box
8 LED High Sp Work Lights (4 on Roof + 2 on Grab Rail + 2 on C Pillar)
Without Work Lights on Grab Rails
Configuration with Standard Road Lights
Standard configuration without Rotary Beacon
Left-Hand side Rotary Beacon
Deluxe Radio with Bluetooth and High-Performance Speakers
Without work lights
Self cancelling audible turning warning
CAB with High Visbility Panel, without AccuGuide and without Electrically Adjustable Mirrors
Standard CAB
Standard operator frame
Without AccuGuide Ready
Rear hitch mirror
Standard without autoguidance ready
Without AFS Pro 700 for Baler Bar
Standard climate control
Standard without rear HID Xenon work lights
Standard without high level roadlight
Without heated front and rear window screens
Without hood HID Xenon worklights
Standard Level Control Layout
Without cab suspension
Standard Configuration without CAB Suspension
2 Telescopic External Rear View Shatterproof Mirrors, Adjustable
Standard Configuration without Rear Sunshade
Russian Manual
Without Operators Manual
Without Operators Manual
Without Operators Manual
Without AFS Pro 700 Manual
Without AFS Pro 700 Manual
Without operators manual
Roof mounted licence plate holder
Without Selection for Country Configuration
Without Slow Moving Vehicle Sign
Base Brand Colour
Toolbox with Set of Tools
Standard without wheel chocks